Research reveals “tremendous benefits” of outdoor learning on both students and teachers

credit : Swansea University

A new study from researchers at Swansea University has revealed how as little as an hour a week of outdoor learning has tremendous benefits for children and also boosts teachers’ job satisfaction.

Through interviews and focus groups, researchers explored the views and experiences of pupils and educators at 3 primary schools in south Wales that had adopted an outdoor learning programme, which entailed teaching the curriculum in the natural environment for at least an hour a week.

Key findings focussed on the variety of benefits of outdoor learning for both the child and the teacher and for improving health, wellbeing, education and engagement in school.

The benefits of outdoor education for children are well documented, but a finding of this study is the impact that the outdoor learning programme had on teachers.

Lead author of the study Emily Marchant, a PhD researcher in Medical Studies at Swansea University, explains: “Initially, some teachers had reservations about transferring the classroom outdoors but once outdoor learning was embedded within the curriculum, they spoke of improved job satisfaction and personal wellbeing. This is a really important finding given the current concerns around teacher retention rates.”

To find out more, visit the Swansea University website

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