TeachOut Tips for Attractions

We know how lucky we are to live and work in the South West, a region renowned for its spectacular coastline and dramatic moors. It also boasts a fantastic selection of educational attractions, so teachers are spoilt for choice when planning an inspirational trip within easy distance to their school.

With ideas, venues, transport and advice all in one place, TeachOut is the most comprehensive resource for educational trips in Devon, Cornwall and Dorset.

Here are TeachOut’s Top Tips to help increase your footfall of schools and organisations for educational visits:


We love videos - and so do our teachers!

Our feedback shows that teachers are much more likely to choose something new and different for their next class trip or workshop if they can watch a video highlighting that educational programme. We can include videos in our Enhanced Listing package - see our Get Listed pages for more details.

Don't have a video? Don't panic! Our talented video editor can spend a half-day with you to produce a video for just £495 + VAT. Contact us to find out more.

Curriculum topics

What topics or subjects does your attraction cover?  With TeachOut, you can search by keyword, topic and/or curriculum subject to allow teachers to narrow their selection to those which offer, say, Roman history or beaches.

Make sure you highlight these on your TeachOut listing and on any marketing materials to schools.

Primary schools have particularly mentioned that they love being able to search by topic search, so please think creatively about which topics could be included in your listing –  the TeachOut team are happy to help if you’re not sure which topics would be suitable.


If your educational offering has won any awards, had a brilliant write up in the media or received a glowing testimonial from a school, then shout about it!

Teachers have told us that they would be much more likely to book somewhere different for their next class trip, workshop or enriching experience if another teacher has recommended it.

Browse our listings pages to see examples of teacher-to-teacher testimonials.

Education Centre and resources

Is there an educational centre or can you offer any resources which the teachers can use to help plan their day trip or residential visit? Teachers often ask us whether we can provide links to downloadable resource packs, and we can include them on your listing.

You may have a well-informed Education Ranger who’s brilliant with children, who can bring the topic to life and make it a trip that they will always remember – let them know!


Is your venue accredited by the Council of Outdoor Learning (LOtC), Accredited Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning (APIOL) or any other Quality Badge?

Let teachers know on your TeachOut listing, as this makes it easier for anyone organising educational visits to gain approval and provides assurance that their chosen destination has met nationally recognised quality indicators.

Risk assessments

How suitable is the venue for schools and will it suit all students? Many schools have to take special needs requirements into consideration and will need to know if you have facilities and resources to help with this.

If you can offer any help with risk assessment forms, insurance arrangements or any other service to help schools with the planning process, remember to let the schools know in advance.

Find out more on our risk assessment pages

It's very quick and easy to get listed - find out more in our TeachOut media pack 2019


TeachOut is delighted to be working in partnership with Exciting Education, an organisation based on the Devon/Cornwall border with a fantastic reputation for helping education providers increase their footfall from schools.  We're very pleased that through this partnership they are willing to extend that to the organisations we support.

Find out more on the Exciting Education page.

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