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Join our hand-picked selection of TeachOut listings offering the best, most enriching educational visits and experiences in the South West.

TeachOut is used by thousands of teachers, Educational Visit Coordinators and organisations who want to book a memorable visit or workshop for their students. If your business is based in Devon, Dorset or Cornwall and offers an educational experience, then make sure you're listed on TeachOut.

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Please select the type of service your business provides...

If more than one type is applicable - i.e. you offer both day visits and in-school workshops - then mention this on your query form or call our team on 01626 891944, and we'll ensure you're listed in all the relevant sections.

Day Visits

Venues suitable for half day and full day educational visits


Your venue provides overnight educational activities

In-School Services

Your business delivers educational workshops or activities in schools


Travel providers including coach, train, air and boat services

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